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ordinary people doing extraordinary things

The Chapel Hill advantage

As a Personalized Learning campus, we provide a “one-size-fits-one” education, leveraging technology to create a unique learning experience for each student.

CHP Parent Newsletter

Please refer to the parent newsletter for any events or information for this month!

After School Activities NOW AVAILABLE!

After school clubs are now available for this school year! Please refer to the Activities page on our website to find out more information on what clubs are available. 

Library Resources

CHP library is now open with a brand new librarian. There are many district resources available for students and teachers. Please refer to the Library page for more information.

CHP Counseling Programs

Our wonderful counselor, Mrs. Robinson-Bobo, has many counseling resources available for students, families, and teachers. Check out her Canva presentation on the counseling programs provided at Chapel Hill Preparatory!

Upcoming events

On the Horizon

recent highlights

news from our community

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eager to learn and driven to excel

Chapel Hill Preparatory School